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Getting Started in Astronomy
Resources for Newcomers

These resources will help you learn about astronomy and get started in the right way. Please if you have questions.
    —Jeff DeTray

Buying a Telescope
Telescopes are relatively expensive items, so it pays to do your homework before spending your hard-earned money. Here's what to look for – and look out for – when setting out to purchase a telescope.

Web Sites for Beginners
Here are some web sites to help you take your first steps in astronomy, learn to observe the skies with and without a telescope, and make intelligent purchases of astronomy equipment.

Clubs and Organizations
One of the most enjoyable ways to participate in astronomy is by joining a local astronomy club. You will learn from more experienced astronomers and get up close and personal with a variety of telescopes and other astronomy gear.

Public Observing Opportunities
Astronomy clubs and observatories throughout the United States offer public observing sessions that give you a chance to see amazing sights in the night sky. Here's where to find a public observing session in your area.

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